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Cumberland, Rhode Island

Phone: (401) 999-7325
Fax: (401) 400-5876

Pediatrics and Developmental Rehab

Our children are growing up in very busy environments where they are constantly on the go. Learning environments and expectations are ever-changing and play and leisure activities are looking different. It is important that we provide our children with a strong foundation so that they can develop skills to succeed throughout life. It is also imperative to fully understand the impact of the demands we are putting on children, where the challenge begins and how to appropriately support children with strategies and coping mechanisms. It is our job as therapists and educators to help support families and teams in this dynamic evolution to set up our children for success and teach them how to adapt and cope to different situations.

Here at Peak Physical Therapy, we will evaluate typical development and areas to monitor. We will provide a wide variety of strategies and resources to support the child their families. We will identify what play looks like and how we can change the activity a child may be interested in to provide some challenges and enable more learning. We will look at the different sensory systems and strategies to support overall regulation so that children can improve focus and concentration, engagement, intentional communication, developmental stages in a variety of settings.


This will include (but not limited to):

  1. Motor development
  2. Reflex integration
  3. Vision
  4. Communication
  5. Attachment, social engagement, and interaction
  6. Proprioceptive system and strategies
  7. Vestibular system and strategies
  8. Tactile system and strategies
  9. Auditory system and strategies
  10. Visual system and strategies
  11. Understanding the integration of sensory systems: Somatosensory-visual-vestibular/motor-auditory
  12. Linking play behavior to improve function
  13. Leisure – Relaxation and mindfulness
  14. Identify different kinds of media and how to choose best media
  15. Implications of technology on child development
  16. Family dynamics